high adventure

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dawny teriolog
Posty: 33
Rejestracja: 26 sie 2006, o 20:00

high adventure

Post autor: dawny teriolog »

adventure & environment: synopsis//
by Tomasz q. Pietrzak[submitted draft; July 2017. dfrAcjv]

archive. Take part in widely important and far-reaching scientific expeditions to wilderness ecosystems, for discover their inhabitants is to make a difference for research and prominent learning — legacy for humankind. No matter how old are you (and who you are, scientist, technician, photographer or reporter). It can be using different techniques to determine elusive species and populations, known as biota in wild regions. Essential conservation in-situ in cooperation with local communitities is vital solutions for sustainable development of ecoregions.Conservation biology is the management of nature and of Earth’s biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic interactions. It is an interdisciplinary subject drawing on natural and social sciences, and the practice of natural resource management.

It is important job, to do conservation efforts to preserve any of rare populations of inhabitants in elected regions (e.g. ural_yakutia territories, peripheral ecosystems_europe, central_asian interior region, caucasus_habitats, north-central africa land, rocky_antarctica). Conservation &nature photographers in wilderness borders for determining elusive species are needed. Provided by Quatl Environment Consulting [based on ref research from 2011–2017].
link: [mod]
dawny teriolog
Posty: 33
Rejestracja: 26 sie 2006, o 20:00

Re: high adventure

Post autor: dawny teriolog »

written on 10 february of 2014:
part of appendix to Short Cryptozoological Practise.
Short note from me: There are some folk names for other animals. Dr
.Karl Shuker writed broadly about some of the folk names of animals.
Eberhard's (2002) creature monumantal book is gathering especially
folk taxonomical material (including cryptozoological).
There was in XIX century polish explorer, Grąbczewski (1925), who in
Pamir distinguised three kinds of bears: Leucurus, tien shan bear and
asiatic black bear. I suspect that so called three kinds of yetis are
in the fact three kinds of bears living in Tibet and around. Suddenly,
there can be more than those carnivores in the region that those
three. I think one of the known brown bears subspecies could be the
famous ancient polar bear. Morover Grąbczewski found one of the bears
deep in the mountains and..... this creature was firstly from far
mistaken identified as human. It was hunter (this bear) and attacked
marmots. The bear shaking his head of discontent.
Next issue, there was expedition in Ecuador by Angel Moran Fores, that
reported a pretty quantity of creatures. (Morant Forés 1999). Hans Shomburgk (e.g.
1913) reported some forms of mammalian creatures and herpetofauna in
Africa (Im deutschen Sudan 1913). I am sure plenty of them can be
known species, but there will be also noted that some vertebrates,
even larger one can be unknown for science. Althought distinguish them
between one to another is quite uncertainly. There are also e.g. some
"mystery" large birds in Central Asia. In Zarybuł mountains near
Samarkanda (nowadays Uzbekistan) existed Falcon Zarybułak-laczyn,
exhibing extraodrinary ferocious. Plenty of times Grąbczewski (1925)
observed as this small birds attacking cranes with great
aggressivenes. Falcon attecked one heron and dug up to neck so hard
that there was difficult to separate one of another. It seems to be
one of the Falco, possible one of the central asiatic species.
This is piece of speculation but it seems that there in Papua New
Guinea "could" lived Greater adjutant Leptoptilos dubius that is now
relict bird call by me as "true modern pterosaur" and that could be
sure existed in Papua-New Guinea in the historical times. One wicked
evil birds have bare pterosaur-like beak, long legs known in flight as
"tail" and existed in Papuan remote lands, in thick forests glades
during that migration routes.

I have some data unpublished yet about unidentified biodiversity in
Central Asia in regions that can was changes environmentally
throughout last centuries. Natives known local fauna well, including
vertebrates biodiversity (e.g. Caucacus, northern Iraq etc.) and
habitats that are not yet well described. But there are still many
questions to resolving. This is really far and ferocious lands.

With that mail is attached short booklet for practise. If it will be
helpful in anyway it can be published on criptozoologia.

Critical-existed populations are those undocumented. Those populations
are too small for continous detecting in environment. They are living
in low abundance (known as very rare). Some of them are provided by
ethnoknown account or dead bodies. Bodies or specimens are part of

"In the future week I will started building work and I am not sure for
available internet. But I can continuing research in future."
POSTED: Tomasz Pietrzak

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